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Education is not about "banking"  knowledge

or about "training" skills,

but the process of the co-making of  "masterpieces"

in the sight of God and men.


~ Principal Rev. Kelly Jia

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Welcome to Community Life Christian School!




Dear friends/families,


In our school, we welcome children from all families, Christians or non-Christians. It is a loving place for all to belong to and to flourish.


We believe love is the greatest, and interest is the best teacher. 

We engage our children in fun, critical thinking, creativities, and real life applications when they do every subject.


Academic wise, our teachers have professional expertise and high sense of responsibility. We make sure every child can process and master every academic concept that is required by the Ontario Curriculum.  We carefully make up for the knowledge/skill they fall behind. 


This is a closely knit community where your children can find sources of quality love, trust, strong sense of belonging and security, as well as intimate relationships with the principal, teachers and peers.


Our children flourish in a loving, caring and warm environment filled with hunger and thirst for the truth.

We invest a lot of loving efforts on character formations of our children, so that they might reflect good moral characters.


Meanwhile we actively engage our children in rich extracurricular events in the wider Christian schools’ community (ACSI) and in our immediate social community context.  If you have interest to talk with us more about our curriculum, school life or other questions, we would be more than happy to serve you.   



All the best,



Principal Rev. Kelly Jia


Community Life Christian School

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140 Dawes Rd, East York, ON M4C 5C2, Canada

Tel: 416.893.1461


©2017 Community Life Christian School. All rights reserved.

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