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Headed by
loving, dedicated, and professional
Christian teachers
who have great expertise and rich experiences in education.

Principal's Welcome


      Hello, I am Pastor Kelly. I graduated with a Master Degree of Divinity, majored in Christian Education from Tyndale Seminary in 2007. I am an ordained pastor with Evangelical Association of Canada.  With rich educational and pastoral experiences, I am passionate in preaching, teaching and counselling, fully aware of the power of the Holy Spirit through professional educational knowledge in life changes in a child's heart, mind and soul.


     It is such a great privilege we pour our passionate love and professional dedication to each and every child in our school. 


    We would love to have you visit and talk with us!

Rev. Kelly J. , Principal

Meet Our Teachers

     Hello! This is Elizabeth D.. I graduated from University of Toronto with a Master's Degree in Education.I have been in the education field for almost 10 years. As a teacher, I have served hundreds of children. I love to help children grow, change, and improve. I want to help each kid reach his or her greatest potential.


    Currently I am enjoying being a homeroom teacher in Community Life Christian School.


Ms. Elizabeth D.

    Hi there!  This is Ruth W. I am the Music and Arts teacher at Community Life Christian School. I have achieved my Advanced Rudiments in Music Theory at the Royal Conservatory of Music and have achieved grade 8 honours in piano from the RCM. 


    I love children and I love to teach them new things about the world of art and music and to push them forward to find their own creative worlds.

Ms. Ruth W.

Hi there! I am Jessica L. I graduated from McGill University with a Bachelor degree in 2010 and from University of Toronto with a Master's degree.


Having grown up in Montreal, I am well acquainted with the French facet of Canada, and have mastered French since a very young age (13). I enjoyed learning and excelling in French language, mastering it within one year after coming to Canada and won multiple prizes up to provincial level. I have been top student each year in francophone high school prior to University.


Since coming to Toronto for my graduate studies in 2010, I was introduced Christianity, and has been a Christian since. I am passionate about transforming life to be vibrant in Christ, and aspires to provide an education that is nourishing to the souls of the students in a holistic way. I also strive to provide students with the confidence of knowing how to live a life pleasing to the Lord and to be fruitful.


Apart from teaching French I work full time as a mental health clinician at the Mount Sinai Hospital Assertive Community Treatment Team. In terms of extracurricular activities, I have been very active. I am an active member of the Hart House Singers choir at the University of Toronto. In addition, I particularly appreciates music and art through piano and cello playing, ballet and painting. I also embrace cooking as an essential yet creative art in life, all of which brings her inexpressible amounts of joy.





Ms. Jessica L.

Hi, my name is David C. I graduated from University of Toronto with a Master degree.  


I have been teaching English over 20 years.


I am passionate in teaching children. I teach language, math, social studies and science in elementary grades.

Mr. David C.

     Hello! This is Esther H. I am a registered Early Childhood Educator. I graduated from Centennial College in 2015 with my Early Childhood Education. I have been working in the field of early learning and child care for ten years. I have had the opportunity to work with all ages: infants, toddlers, preschoolers and summer camp program. With the experience and my love toward the young children, I have the sense to response to the needs of the children in all developmental areas. 


   I am currently working as an ECE teacher in PK-SK programs in Community Life Christian School.



   My qualifications: 

Registration Card with College of ECE 

Police Reference Check who Vulnerable Sector Screening 

StandardFir st Aid and CPR Level C certification

Mrs. Esther H.

Community Life Christian School

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140 Dawes Rd, East York, ON M4C 5C2, Canada

Tel: 416.893.1461


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